Shaping the future of the energy grid
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Shaping the future of the energy grid

As we continually expand our business in the Americas, we couldn't have missed the IEEE Power & Energy Society T&D Conference held in Anaheim, California. We were able to showcase our technical solutions and expertise to many potential business partners and other stakeholders from across the energy sector. But equally importantly, we had the opportunity to meet fellow experts and professionals to discuss the present state of the industry which is undergoing such profound changes these days. And, of course, we exchanged our views on how to make the future of energy generation and distribution greener and smarter.

Your next opportunity to meet us in person is in Munich on 19th-21st June at the ees electrical energy storage Europe trade fair for battery technologies. And what a special opportunity it will be, as we will be debuting a whole new line of ESS products based on LFP cells.

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